good shepherds?

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 10
The shepherds are senseless and do not inquire of the LORD; so they do not prosper and all their flock is scattered. [Jeremiah 10:21]
An idol is more than a golden statue, it is any reality or experience that people put their confidence in, other than God Himself.
These shepherds (leaders) are called senseless because they trust in more than their golden statues – they trust in themselves, or their political alliances, or in the temple, or in their armies, or in their shrewd schemes… or whatever.
They were appointed by the Lord, but they do not seek or rely on the Lord.
And the result is failure for them and misery for those in their care.
They do not prosper and all their flock is scattered. [Jeremiah 10:21]I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. [John 10:11-13]
The good shepherd does not look out for themselves, or rely on themselves, but deny themselves for the sake of their sheep.
Self-reliant, self-absorbed shepherds care nothing for the sheep, they are looking out for #1.
The flock is attacked and scattered, and the shepherds flee.
But not the good shepherd.

Jesus shows us what wise, God-honouring leadership is all about.
Consider the difference between selfless vs. selfish leadership, and you see the difference between godly and senseless shepherds.
So for me as a leader, I need to consider carefully where my confidence lies?
I need to note whether my motives and efforts are selfless or selfish.
As leaders, there are huge consequences for how we lead – for us and for those entrusted to our care.
What does it mean to inquire of the Lord – and do I do it?
Is my heart and life and ministry God-centered?
Or am I trusting in idols – my own skills or schemes or programs or techniques?
If I lead on my own, I will face challenges on my own, and the results will be what I can produce on my own.
If I lead like this – I will not prosper and all the flock will be scattered.

Lord, I do place confidence in my own abilities and plans. I confess this, and ask for Your help to change this. I want to be a good shepherd, like You.

One Comment

  1. Time and time again, God’s people learn the way of the nations, doing what they do, adopting the ways of the foreigners and not serving the Lord God. All too often God’s people do not desire to be a holy people separate from the nations and serving the One only true God – the I AM. The is no other. The Lord – He is great and mighty in power. Buy . . .

    Man follows his foolish ways and serves his own created gods who are powerless and did not create the heavens. God’s children have left him and exchanged the true God for a lie. Even the people leaders are senseless and do not walk in His way.

    God will visit His people. He will discipline them. Do not correct me in Your anger Lord or I will die. Direct my footsteps in the way that I should go and give me an understanding heart. Help me to walk and talk with You each day. You are my God and I will sing praises to You today and always. lead and guide me in the Way everlasting as I lead those in my care. May they see You in me.

    O God, You are my God,
    And I will ever praise You
    O God, You are my God,
    And I will ever praise You

    I will seek You in the morning
    And I will learn to walk in Your ways
    And step by step You’ll lead me
    And I will follow You all of my days.

    And step by step You’ll lead me
    And I will follow You all of my days.

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