this is the life!

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 9
‘Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,’ declares the LORD. [Jeremiah 9:23-24]
There is a saying, ‘this is the life’, that people use when they are doing or experiencing something that is deeply enjoyable or fulfilling.
Greek has two words for ‘life’: BIOS = physical life; ZOE = deep satisfying life.
We can be physically alive, yet not enjoying life.
How do we find ZOE life – deep, satisfying, enjoyable life?

Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. [John 17:3]
Jesus repeats what Jeremiah states, that the key to deep, fulfilling life is knowing God, and knowing Jesus.
You can have extensive education, physical strength and monetary wealth, and yet not have life.
There is no sense boasting in these things, if you do not know God.
But if you know God, and Jesus, then you have everything you need for a deep, satisfying life, the life we were created for.

The problem with the people in Jeremiah’s day was that they were spiritually dead, and therefore experiencing all the consequences of death.
All of the references to punishment and judgment and death are the natural result of being dead to God.
This is a universal problem for all people; what we need more than anything else is to be born again to God, and to life in/with Him.
Apart from Him, our wisdom, strength and riches will amount to nothing.
How many people can boast about having all kinds of external success and happiness, but they are dead or dying on the inside.

Eternal life is not just something that we get when we die; it is something that we receive as soon as we know God and Jesus.
In Him, with Him, we receive the Spirit of life inside of us, and we find inner fulfillment and joy and peace, whether we are rich or poor, strong or weak.
This is the LIFE that people are looking for, though sadly they are looking in the wrong places.
This is the life we were made for; this is the life Jesus is offering us; this is the life that will satisfy us deeply, forever.
Knowing God and Jesus – this is the life!

Lord, though I know this in theory, yet so often I forget it. I look to external things to make me happy. Help me to know You better, so that I can say with full conviction, THIS IS THE LIFE!

One Comment

  1. Let our boast be in the Lord. Happiness is . . . living for Jesus!

    Jeremiah is known as the weeping prophet = weeping for the sins of the people. The people have gone their own ways and were unfaithful, exchanging truth for a lie, going from one sin to another and forsaking the Lord. Although they speak pleasant words to their neighbours, in their hearts they have killed them.

    The Lord has spoken to them about their ways. The land lies in desolation but the people refuse to see the hand of the Lord upon their lives. They have become hard hearted insisting upon their own ways. Therefore they will be destroyed.

    The Lord loves those who boast in His name. Those who live for Jesus. Those who know their Saviour. And those who do, live for Jesus. They are members of the heavenly kingdom here and now. And the Lord God delights in them. All to Jesus I surrender.

    Happiness is . . . living for Jesus!

    I have the joy, joy, joy, joy,
    Down in my heart, Down in my heart,
    Down in my heart
    I have the joy, joy, joy, joy,
    Down in my heart,
    Down in my heart, To stay!

    (I have the peace that passeth understanding)

    (I have the wonderful love of my blessed redeemer)

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