grieving the Spirit?

SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 63
Why, O Lord, do you make us wander from your ways and harden our hearts so we do not revere you? Return for the sake of your servants, the tribes that are your inheritance. [Isaiah 63:17]
In today’s reading, Isaiah describes the Lord’s judgment against the cruel, immoral and violent – they will reap what they have sown.
It is a very different picture from yesterday, where God is rejoicing like a bridegroom – here He is blood-covered!
But then Isaiah reflects on God’s historical love for Israel, their rebellion and His judgment, finishing with a prayer for God to have mercy on them.
One line that stands out for me (there are several) is: Yet they rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit. So he turned and became their enemy and he himself fought against them. [Isaiah 63:10]

‘I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.’ He said this because they were saying, ‘He has an evil spirit.’ [Mark 3:28-30]
What does it mean to sin (or blaspheme) against the Holy Spirit?
Is it any different or worse than how Israel rebelled and grieved the Holy Spirit?
Why is it unforgiveable, an eternal sin, while Israel’s sin is not unforgiveable?
I cannot say for sure, but it seems to me that the unforgiveable sin would be the steadfast refusal to accept God’s Spirit at work.

In this reading, though the people did rebel and grieve the Spirit, they did repent, and that opened the way for God’s mercy.
We can also be guilty of resisting or quenching or grieving the Spirit [Ephesians 4:30]; when we do we find ourselves working against God (He becomes, as it were, our enemy).
He does not hate us, He is not trying to destroy us, but He cannot allow our rebellion to succeed.
Through it all, He is at work compelling us to repent, and if we do, He will show mercy.
But if we refuse, if we remain steadfast in rejecting God’s presence and power at work among us, then we will have committed the eternal – unforgiveable – sin.
You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit! [Acts 7:51]

The Spirit is at work among us, compelling us to repent and return to God, and life in/with Him.
But if we reject it, if we refuse Him, if we close our hearts to His free offer and grace, then we will shut the door on any eternal hope – without God and His Spirit there is no eternal hope!
Am I working with the Spirit, or against Him?
Am I moving towards God, or away from Him?
Am I steadfastly reaching for God, or steadfastly resisting Him?

Lord, help me to be open to the Spirit’s pull within me, drawing me away from sin, away from selfishness, drawing me back to life and joy and peace in/with You!

One Comment

  1. Our God is mighty to save.

    Do I tell of the deeds for which He is to be praised?
    Do I tell all what the Lord has done for us?

    All too often, I too, like the children of Israel go my own way. My heart too at times seems to be hardened. I wander and do not walk in His LightShine.

    Praise be to God that His Spirit is mightily at work in and among His people. PTL! Continue that work in my heart Oh Lord and make it your dwelling place – Your home. Guide me to make Your glorious name known. Mo;d me, form me after Your purposes to do Your will in the here and now so that I will always walk in Your Light and never wander from the Truth.

    Joyful news to all mankind,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    All who seek shall surely find
    Jesus is mighty to save.
    Sinners may relinquish wrong,
    Faltering hearts may now be strong;
    Sound the tidings right along,
    Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.

    Jesus is mighty to save,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    From the uttermost, to the uttermost,
    Mighty to save!

    Though as scarlet be the stains,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    Though as steel the binding chains,
    Jesus is mighty to save.
    His the glorious sacrifice;
    His the blood which paid the price;
    His the love doth now entice;
    Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.


    Fearful soul, discard thy fears,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    Seeker, haste to dry thy tears,
    Jesus is mighty to save.
    With assurance seek His face,
    Doubt no more His love and grace,
    Give Him now His rightful place,
    Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.


    Since His blood for thee was shed,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    Since He lives Who once was dead,
    Jesus is mighty to save.
    While in conflict we engage,
    When the storms around shall rage,
    All our earthly pilgrimage,
    Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.

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