His prayer, His protection

I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name–the name you gave me–so that they may be one as we are one. [John 17:11]
When Lazarus died, and Jesus wept, people said, “See how he loved him!” [John 11:36]
When I hear Jesus’ prayer, I also want to say, “See how he loved him!”
Jesus is genuinely concerned for the well-being of His disciples after He leaves.
He has already warned them that things will get tough for them, that they will suffer and die for their loyalty to Him.
But now He is pleading with God to keep them strong, keep them united.
He knows how the enemy will assault them, mislead them, confuse them, divide them.
As I read through this prayer, I did not just read it as if Jesus already knew how everything would turn out for them; I read it as if He was genuinely concerned for their well-being.

I feel the same for how Jesus sees me., and how He intercedes for me [Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25].
He knows my heart, He knows my struggle, He knows my deepest need, and He knows my weakness.
He has made it clear that what I need more than anything else – what everyone needs – is to know God and to know Him; this is real life, the everlasting kind of life.
Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent [John 17:3].
He knows us (and loves us), but what we need is to know Him and to love Him.
This is why Jesus prays for our protection, because He knows that Satan will do whatever it takes to draw us away from knowing loving God and Jesus.
“Make them strong, make them united, make them one with God and with each other.
Unite them and fortify them by the Spirit in them, that the world may know that they belong to God.”

Jesus is not with us; life in this world is hard.
But we are not alone: the Lord is over us and all things, the Spirit is in us at all times.
The Lord is watching us with love and compassion, and interceding on our behalf through all challenges and trials.
The Spirit is energizing us with His love and power and purpose, helping us to remain one (united and strong) in Him!
Feel the prayer of Jesus, feel the power of the Spirit.
We are set apart (sanctified) by the promise of God, the presence of Jesus and the power of the Spirit.
Let this strengthen you for the challenge and the opportunity that the Lord leads (and prays) you through today!

Lord, thank You for reminding me that You love me, are praying for me, and will protect me… to the very end!

One Comment

  1. This passage states very clearly about eternal Life = know God. Know Jesus.

    Those who obey His words and His. And Christ is praying for those God gave Him for they are His. He is praying for their protection while they are doing His work in the world and yet not of the world. We are on His mission assignment and He is praying for our protection from the evil one as we do His will. WoW!

    Jesus does nor just pray for the messenger but also for the message that it may bear fruit. As God loved His Son so too the Son loves all who do His work and His presence is in them encouraging them on their way to do His will. And they will be with Him in glory. What a Saviour!

    Our Father’s wondrous works we see
    In the earth and sea and sky;
    He rules o’er all in majesty,
    From His royal throne on high.

    What a mighty God we serve!
    What a mighty God we serve!
    Reigning now above, on His throne of love,
    What a mighty God we serve!

    The raging winds and waves are calm,
    When He says to them, “Be still”;
    The heavens praise Him in a psalm,
    And the angels do His will.

    He maketh worlds by His command,
    Weighs the mountains great and high;
    He metes the waters in His hand,
    Spans the lofty, starlit sky.

    Our God, to save from sin’s control,
    Gave His Son: a sacrifice;
    His grace, abounding in the soul,
    Makes the earth a paradise.

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