open or closed minded?

So the Pharisees said to one another, “See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!” [John 12:19]
This whole chapter is about how people respond to Jesus.
Mary believes in Jesus, and offers a huge gift of love to Him; Judas believes in himself and money (though he cloaks it in concern for the poor), and rebukes Mary for her waste.
The people are drawn to Jesus because of Lazarus, but the religious leaders only want to kill him; Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem on a donkey leads to praise from the crowds, but the Pharisees are enraged at this.
Even the Greek tourists are eager to see Jesus – and God gives Him a heavenly public relations boost.
Some of the religious leaders secretly believed in Jesus, but didn’t dare tell anyone!
Many Jews could not fit what He said with their understanding of the Law – and in the end they decide not to trust Him.
Many are intrigued and inspired by Jesus… but will they really trust Him as God’s messiah?

I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. [John 12:46]
How people respond to Jesus determines the direction and outcome of their life.
If you are open to Jesus, you will find yourself moving into more and more light and life.
If you are closed to Jesus, you will find yourself moving away from light and life.
The critical part in this is the human heart – is it open or closed?
A group of people can witness the same event, but depending on whether they are open or closed to what they experienced, their take on it will be similar or different.
A bright object whizzes across the night sky; one person who believes in UFOs says it is a UFO, while her friend who does not believe in UFOs says it was a plane.
The difference is in their presuppositions, their starting point in their heart/mind.

Only one person can be right, or both may be wrong – but the truth is the truth, no matter what people believe.
Either a voice spoke from heaven, or it just thundered; either Lazarus was raised from death, or he never really died (or the story was made up altogether).
If people do not believe in God or the supernatural, then no matter what they will dismiss or rationalize away the supernatural elements of this story; but if a person does believe in them, then these stories will not be hard to accept.
Is the rationalist right, or the theist?
Time will tell, but we need to remember that just because something cannot be proven, does not mean its not true – that itself is an unverifiable presupposition.

I believe in God, my heart is open to the supernatural – I openly admit this, this is my bias.
And when I hear and see Jesus, when I reflect on all that is recorded by others who saw and believed in Him, I believe!
Call me a fool for believing, so be it; you may be the fool for not believing.
But in my experience – and that’s really all I can cling to – believing in Jesus has allowed me to experience more light, more life, more blessing.
The miracle of life, of goodness, of Jesus, of God inspire and motivate me to live passionately for them.
Yes, I believe because my heart and mind are open to believe; yes, you do not believe because your heart and mind are closed to believe.
And you call me close-minded!!!!

Lord, I believe, though I still have many questions and doubts. But my heart is open to You, and I love what You stand for, what You have said and done. I pour out my heart to you like an expensive perfume!

One Comment

  1. Eyes that see. Ears that hear. Hearts that understand.

    This is the way to Life.

    LightShine. SonShine. SonBeam. Putting your trust in the Light so that we may be sons of the Light. When that happens we know where we are going. May the darkness never overtake us because we are shining like stars in Christ Jesus. May Christ never be hid from us.

    Help me each day Lord to live as a child of the Light living in Your ShineShine so that others may also see that Light. LightShine for Jesus.

    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
    to shine for Him each day.
    In every moment.
    at home at work at play.
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam
    I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.

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