repeat after me

There are two passages assigned for today!

But as for me, I am poor and needy; please hurry to my aid, O God. You are my helper and my savior; O Lord, do not delay. [Psalms 70:5]
David is being humiliated by others, yet he remains humble.
In his humiliated position, he does seek justice and revenge – May those who try to kill me be humiliated and put to shame. May those who take delight in my trouble be turned back in disgrace. [Psalms 70:2]
Can’t say that I blame him, I would likely be saying the same, or worse.
But its interesting to contrast his response to Jesus’ response: Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing. [Luke 23:34]

But the other criminal protested, “Don’t you fear God even when you have been sentenced to die? We deserve to die for our crimes, but this man hasn’t done anything wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” [Luke 23:40-43]
What stands out for me in today’s passage is especially David’s closing words of humility, his admission that he is poor and needy, dependent on God as his helper and saviour.
It reminds me of the criminal on the cross who recognizes that he deserves to be there, and asks Jesus for mercy.
David is not our perfect model, he is like us and subject to human weakness.
But as we are honest with God – also about our un-Christlike attitudes – and admit that we too are poor and needy, then the Lord assures us that we too are forgiven, that we too will enter paradise by His mercy.

But may all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness in you. May those who love your salvation repeatedly shout, “God is great!” [Psalms 70:4]
While he was on the cross, I am sure the words of Jesus helped the criminal at least a little while he suffered the excruciating pain of the cross.
But in time, as his consciousness sin this world faded, and he came to with Jesus in paradise, he was filled with joy and gladness, and repeated shouted “God is great!”
I expect the same for myself, and for all who humbly admit their need for God – we too will one day repeatedly cry out with joy and gladness – God is great!!!

But no need to wait until after we die – let’s start now.
“God is great!” “God is great!” “God is great!” “God is great!”

Lord, sometimes the pain of the cross (what we experience in this life) is overwhelming, but even now I choose to look to You and say, “You are great!” “God is great!”

One Comment

  1. God is my Helper. When I am picked upon, when others abuse me, I need to remember that the Lord God is my Helper. And for all SonSeekers, they need to rejoice because He is the Lord indeed! He is my Helper and my Deliverer at all times. He is the Rock of my salvation.

    I am reminded of the child’s at mealtime

    God is good. God is great. Now let us thank Him for our daily food.

    Rejoice the Lord is King – forevermore. He is my Provider and in that power I go forward each and every day.
    Reign in me
    Soverign Lord reign in me
    Reign in me
    Soverign Lord reign in me

    Captivate my heart
    Let Your kingdom come
    Establish there Your throne
    let Your will be done

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