a thousand tongues to sing!

There are two passages assigned for today!

Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me. [Psalms 66:16]
“No, go back to your family, and tell them everything God has done for you.” So he went all through the town proclaiming the great things Jesus had done for him. [Luke 8:39]

If someone were to ask you what God has done for you, what would you say?
Would your ‘testimony’ be very real and personal to you?
Do you get excited if you have the opportunity to share with others the Lord’s work in your life?
To me, the heart of worship is testimony – simply and sincerely sharing how God has impacted you, how you have experienced God in your life.
Its too bad that we have minimized worship to singing songs, and that our worship wars are more about the kinds of instruments we use, and the style of songs we sing.
More important, it seems to me, is whether we are willing and able to tell others what God has done for us.

David is busting here, he can’t seem to find the words to get it out.
This is a very personal testimony for him, and his words are the overflow of a deep, profound God experience.
How often we are busting like this, how often are we overflowing with joy or gratitude or awe regarding God?
This is something I was taught; in many ways I was discouraged from being to emotional.
Its not that there were not testimonies – I did on occasion hear amazing stories of God’s provision and grace for people who went through the war, experienced poverty, the hardship of immigration, even amazing accounts of healing.
But these were not allowed in the “worship service”, and to me that is a shame.

I would not suggest that testimonies replace singing; but neither should singing replace testimonies.
The reason that we sing is because of the testimonies; our personal experience leads to corporate celebration.
As churches we need to find a way to reintroduce personal expressions of our God experiences, so that others can be encouraged and blessed, and so that we can celebrate together the greatness of God!

But it starts with me, and it starts with you.
So take some time today to reflect on what God has done for you.
And then tell someone about it!

Lord, fill me with appreciation and wonder for the greatness and goodness of God – and then give me a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer’s praise!

One Comment

  1. Come and listen. Listen what the Lord God has do for me.

    Do ou hear? I can see. I saw His presence in the unsuspected storm of yesterday after school. The trees were swaying in the winds, the rain was pelting, branches and limbs were falling, kids were huddled in groups in the shelter of the buildings, anxious parents phoning and me – watching and praying and working. Prayer Walking. Giving the calmness of heart during the storm. Overcoming my fears. Thank You Lord for keeping us all in the palm of Your hand during this storm of my life.

    Help me to be a story teller for all who have ears to hear so that the stories of Your goodness and faithfulness is shared from generation to generation.

    O for a thousand tongues to sing
    My great Redeemer’s praise,
    The glories of my God and King,
    The triumphs of His grace!

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