strange and scary places

God gave these four young men an unusual aptitude for understanding every aspect of literature and wisdom. And God gave Daniel the special ability to interpret the meanings of visions and dreams. [Daniel 1:17]
I went to the school to pray this morning (Bolton C. Falby, where we meet); I saw one boy who ran crying from the school twice, and his very frustrated father yelling after him.
How scary – a strange place, unknown people, kids he didn’t know, leaving the security of home and family.
I think of Daniel and his friends, entering the school of Babylon – a strange place, unknown people, kids he didn’t know, leaving the security of home and family.
Yet God is still very close and at work, even in that scary, unknown place.
He gives them what they need to stay true, the stand firm and to do well in that strange environment.
Alone in a strange place, they are not alone!

He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you. No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you. [John 14:17-18]
When Jesus leaves His disciples, He does not abandon them to a strange and scary world; He gives them His Spirit -His strength and wisdom and power – to stay true, stand firm and do well in this strange and scary world.
We may feel alone, but we are not alone (we are not orphaned) – He is with us, He is giving us what we do to thrive!
How is it that Jesus followers like Daniel are able to do well in tough places?
Because unknown to others, unrecognized by the people around them, God’s Spirit is with them, in them, leading them in strength, wisdom and success.

What strange or scary places is the Lord leading You?
Will you run away screaming?
Or will You cling to God, recognize His Spirit and follow Jesus through those strange and scary places, trusting that He will give you everything you need to stay true, stand firm and do well!

Lord, I do feel that I am entering a scary place. This new ministry initiative is bigger than me, I am feeling nervous. May I sense Your Spirit with me, in me, giving me what I need to survive and thrive this strange and scary place!

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