
There are two passages assigned for today!

But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love. For you have been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress. [Psalms 59:16]
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. [Matthew 11:28]

The good news message of Jesus not only assures me of God’s love and protection, it also assures me that I can take refuge in Him through all the trials and troubles that plague me in this messed up world.
Unfortunately God does not just snap His fingers and take away all sin or suffering.
Though our guilt has been taken care of and we are accepted by grace alone – His much-loved children – we still battle our old nature, and we still endure the torment of a sinful world, and a spiritual enemy.
Life in this world without God is hard enough, but when we surrender to Him and choose to follow Him, it doesn’t get easier.

Every day as we face the battles of the world, the flesh and the devil, we need to put ourselves into His care, to take refuge in Him.
As I go into today, I know that I will face feelings of doubt and discouragement (I did yesterday!), and I know I will face temptations to compromise my beliefs or morals, and I know that I will make mistakes, and I know that I will hurt some people, and be hurt by others.
And then there are the unknowns, the dangers or crises that could happen, that do happen to many – a car accident, injury to myself or someone I love, a natural disaster, a court summons, a police officer at the door…
Yikes, I do not want to think about the kinds of things that could happen, beyond the things that I know will happen.
I need to take refuge in the Lord, I need to come to Him NOW, at the beginning of each day – each morning!
Each morning I need to come to You and sing (remind myself) about Your unfailing love.
I want to start my day resting in You, so that when the trials or troubles or temptations come, I am in a better place to deal with them.

Lord, I am going through my own ‘distress’ right now – nothing serious in terms of danger or trouble, but still discouraging. Help me not to wait until after things get worse to seek You. Help me to take refuge in You now, before the storm breaks. Help me to come to You NOW, that I may experience Your rest!

One Comment

  1. Thank You Lord for a new day . . . a new beginning. Thank You Lord that I may start the day anew with You. You are the Wind beneath my wings, my Strength, my Fortress, the Hearer of my prayers as I prepare to meet the challenges of the day. Thank You for renewing my power both physical and spiritual as I enter this day with You. You fill me up each day a new with a song in my heart. Rejoice! The Lord is King! Rejoice forevermore!

    As I journey this day in Your presence, may I journey in the joy of the Lord for He is my song and strength. Then whatever happens this day, I know that You are my Shepherd, giving all what I need even when I travel through the valleys, You are there carrying me along the way that I should go.

    Thank You Lord for Your everlasting presence. Thank You for being my Strength and my Song.

    I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
    I will sing! I will sing!
    I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
    I will sing of the mercies of the Lord!

    With my mouth will I make known
    Thy faithfulness, Thy faithfulness
    With my mouth will I make known
    Thy faithfulness to all generations!

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