under attack?

There are two passages assigned for today!

They are always twisting what I say; they spend their days plotting to harm me. They come together to spy on me- watching my every step, eager to kill me. [Psalms 56:5-6]
When the leading priests and teachers of religious law heard what Jesus had done, they began planning how to kill him. But they were afraid of him because the people were so amazed at his teaching. [Mark 11:18]

Have you ever had someone who was mad at you for some reason, and who was always looking for ways to attack or undermine you?
I’ve never been hated or attacked like David (in this Psalm) or like Jesus; but I have felt the negative pressure of opposition, and sometimes sensed that they were looking for ways to trip me, to bring me down.
But this was certainly a mild version (and perhaps even more imagined than real) compared to what our readings describe.

So how do we respond to opposition, whether mild or severe?
David looks to God for support and protection, but he also pays for revenge: Don’t let them get away with their wickedness; in your anger, O God, bring them down. [Psalms 56:7]
I understand why David prays this way, I expect I would do the same.
But what impresses me about Jesus is how He refuses to pray for justice or revenge but instead prays for mercy.
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” [Luke 23:34]
Trust in the Lord, and pray for mercy for your oppressors; this seems to be the way of Jesus, the way He calls us to imitate.

This is not a denial of justice, this is not a minimizing of the seriousness of peoples’ sin.
But it is a recognition that we are all guilty to some extent of hurting or offending others, and that if there was no mercy, we would be judged as well.
We can all agree that the plotting and cruelty that both David and Jesus and many others throughout history have experienced is evil.
We must continue to stand up against injustice and violence and cruelty and abuse, and stand with those who experience these evils.
But the way of Jesus is above all one of mercy – for the oppressors and the oppressed.
This is the teaching of Jesus that so impressed the people, and that so frightened His enemies.
It is the scandal of Jesus’ message that makes Him so loved and hated.
It is the cross that we too must carry if we want to be identified as Jesus followers.

So who is presently hurting or offending or treating you unfairly.
Are you leaning on the Lord for strength and hope; and are you praying for them, for mercy and help?
But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. [Matthew 5:44-45]

Lord, I know that this is Your way, but I find it hard to do it Your way. Help me to trust in You and to pray for mercy, not revenge!

One Comment

  1. Take it to the Lord in prayer.

    When I am afraid, or pursued, God needs to be my refuge, my Rock, my Fortress, my Refuge. To meet the challenges of the day, to meet those who may be my ‘thorn’, I need His power within so that my actions may be God honouring. The I will be able to live at peace with all mankind for I will be GodStrong for He will guide my feet in the path that I walk and so I will walk in the ‘light of life.’

    Where do I get my strength and power to meet the ‘agenda’ of each and every day? From my Saviour. I need to offer myself to Him also throughout this day as He strengthens me along the way.

    Praise Him with thanksgiving and thanksliving with an attitude of gratitude with altitude. PTL.

    All that I am I owe to Thee,
    Thy wisdom, Lord, has fashioned me;
    I give my Maker thankful praise,
    Whose wondrous works my soul amaze.
    Ere into being I was brought,
    Thine eye did see, and in Thy thought
    My life in all its perfect plan
    Was ordered ere my days began.

    Thy thoughts, O God, how manifold,
    More precious unto me than gold!
    I muse on their infinity,
    Awaking I am still with Thee.

    The wicked Thou shalt surely slay,
    From me let sinners turn away;
    They speak against the Name divine,
    I count God’s enemies as mine.

    Search me, O God, my heart discern,
    Try me, my inmost thought to learn;
    And lead me, if in sin I stray,
    To choose the everlasting way.

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