God’s leviathon

Nothing on earth is its equal, no other creature so fearless. Of all the creatures, it is the proudest. It is the king of beasts. [Job 41:33-34]
In this conversation, God uses the largest beast known at the time [the behemoth or leviathon, Job 40:15, Job 41:1] to show His own greatness and our smallness.
The behemoth (or leviathon) was a large sea creature, perhaps inspired by a whale or a large crocodile or some other dinosaur-like creature still around at that time.
Whatever it was, God uses this huge monster to show how small we are in comparison, to remind us that we are but ‘little beasts’ in this world.
But God is over it all, including the behemoth – Everything under heaven is mine. [Job 41:11]

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches. [Matthew 13:31-32]
Jesus also makes a comparison but this time with something very small, the mustard seed.
God and His purpose for this world may seem small and insignificant in comparison to the great kingdoms and accomplishments of man in this world – but in time His kingdom will rise above them all.
Everything under heaven is under God – the behemoth and the mustard seed.
God may seem weak, His kingdom purpose may seem insignificant, while our kingdoms may seem big and important to us – but in the end His kingdom will overcome and ours will fail.
Its interesting to me that Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher from the 17th century, described the role of human government as the Leviathon (the title of his book).
According to Hobbes, society is a population beneath a sovereign authority, to whom all individuals in that society cede their natural rights for the sake of protection.
Any abuses of power by this authority are to be accepted as the price of peace.

What today’s readings remind me of is that however great, important or strong something in this world appears (the king of the beasts, nothing on earth is its equal), God is still greater than that behemoth/leviathon.
And though God’s kingdom power and purpose may seem small in comparison – like a mustard seed – one day it will spread over the whole earth, and all people will thrive in its shade.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we choose to believe that a better world is possible, and that Jesus Christ is establishing this better world (God’s kingdom) on earth.
As Jesus-followers, we are committed to helping realize this better world, by joining with Jesus in living lives now that reflect what that world ought to be like – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control, etc.
Though living like this may seem weak and insignificant, we believe that this path will one day result in God’s leviathon – the greatest kingdom on earth.

Lord, nothing is so big that it dwarfs You, and nothing is so small that it escapes Your notice. Thank You that You are in the business of making the “great” seem small, and the “small” seem great! I look forward to the day when Your Leviathon is established on earth!

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