with deepest, tenderest fears

We cannot imagine the power of the Almighty; but even though he is just and righteous, he does not destroy us. No wonder people everywhere fear him. All who are wise show him reverence. [Job 37:23-24]
I have to admit it, I like much of what Elihu has to say; his reminder about the greatness of God is especially good for me.
Up until now I have usually dismissed the speeches of Job’s friends, thinking that what they said was mostly wrong.
This raises an interesting question for me: are the speeches of Job’s friend also God’s message to us, do we listen to them with the authority of scripture since we know that God later rejects their counsel [Job 42:7]?
One interesting thing that I just noticed is that when God rejects the counsel of Job’s friends, He only mentions the first three friends, but not Elihu.
Anyway, today I am choosing to reflect positively on what Elihu says, because it makes sense to me.
All who are wise show him reverence. [Job 37:24]

Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. [Matt 6:9]
We have grown accustomed to the words of the Lord’s prayer that we do not feel their weight.
The opening words, our Father in heaven are an amazing combination of the greatness and goodness of God.
As the God of heaven, He is the God that rules over the highest powers, the most powerful God; we cannot imagine the power of the almighty!
He is to be reverenced, treated as holy, honoured as God over all!
He is just, He is righteous, but He is also merciful, our loving Father that does not destroy us!
Jesus captures in a few words what Elihu touches as well – the greatness and goodness of God!

When you think of the greatness of God, think of how vast the Universe is, with all of its mystery and grandeur, then think of God as over them all – God of the heavens.
If we cannot measure the Universe (and apparently it is expanding which begs the question, expanding into WHAT?), how much more can we not measure or imagine the power of the Almighty?
When you think of the goodness of God, think of a loving father that cares and provides for his children, is close to them and watches over them with great concern.
This image brings God very close, very personal, even intimate; it is remarkable that Jesus uses the intimate Aramaic word for father — daddy!

But where Jesus helps us most of all is that He places the priority on the goodness of God, without denying the greatness of God, whereas Elihu (and many throughout history) placed the priority on His greatness.
The first and most important message is that God is our Father, a loving Father, a merciful Father.
Yes, God is powerful, holy, majestic, awesome, infinite, incomprehensible, and He deserves to be reverenced.
But always as our Father first; this is how God has chosen to reveal Himself to us, how He wants to relate to us.
This should never be a reason to treat God without honour, without appropriate fear or respect.

To conclude, I am going to do what Tony normally does – finish with the words of a song – My God, How Wonderful Thou Art by Frederick W. Faber.

My God, how wonderful Thou art
Thy majesty how bright!
How beautiful Thy mercy-seat
In depths of burning light!

How wonderful, how beautiful
The sight of Thee must be
Thine endless wisdom, boundless power
And awesome purity!

O how I fear Thee, living God
With deepest, tenderest fears
And worship Thee with trembling hope
And penitential tears!

Yet I may love Thee too, O Lord
Almighty as Thou art
For Thou hast stooped to ask of me
The love of my poor heart

No earthly father loves like Thee
No mother e’er so mild
Bears and forbears as Thou hast done
With me, Thy sinful child

Father of Jesus, love’s reward
What rapture will it be
Prostrate before Thy throne to lie
And gaze, and gaze on Thee

Lord, may I love and worship You with deepest, tenderest fears!

One Comment

  1. When was the last time that I leaped in God’s presence.

    Coming to Haiti I always try to get a window seat on the plane. I am always amazed at how bumpy the clouds are, their beauty when you are above them and how do they stay up there anyway? And the waters these clouds produce, I can’t fathom that. And then those thunderstorms, not only do they shake the apartment, they also shake me. God does display His presence in the creation; He does speak to me – ‘I am who I am. Almighty is My name.’ I am with you wherever you go. Do you see me? Really see me? Do you walk with me along your journey in my SonShine?’

    I serve an awesome God. Open my eyes Lord that I may see Your presence all around me today, not only in Your Creation, but also by the people You have surrounded me with. Open my ears Lord that I may hear Your voice speaking and leading me in the way I should go. Today’s reading reminded me of His majesty!

    This is the day that You have created. Reveal Yourself to me in mighty ways.

    Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving
    To God the creator triumphantly raise.
    Who fashioned and made us, protected and stayed us,
    Who still guides us on to the end of our days.
    God’s banners are o’er us, His light goes before us,
    A pillar of fire shining forth in the night.
    Till shadows have vanished and darkness is banished
    As forward we travel from light into light.

    His law he enforces, the stars in their courses
    And sun in its orbit obediently shine;
    The hills and the mountains, the rivers and fountains,
    The deeps of the ocean proclaim him divine.
    We too should be voicing our love and rejoicing;
    With glad adoration a Song let us raise
    Till all things now living unite in thanksgiving:
    “To God in the highest, Hosanna and praise!”

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