ask the birds, He cares!

Just ask the animals, and they will teach you. Ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you. Speak to the earth, and it will instruct you. Let the fish in the sea speak to you. For they all know that my disaster has come from the hand of the Lord. For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being. [Job 12:7-10]
As I read, I am getting a sense of the difference between Job’s perspective and that of his friends: his friends say that his circumstances are because he is a sinner, while Job says that his circumstances are because God is God – its up to Him to decide how He will act, what He does.
For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being. [Job 12:10]
Job is confident that God is God, he is just not happy with how God operates.
This is more than theological debate, this is the agony of someone who trusts God, who has faith in God, and yet cannot make sense of why God is doing what He is doing.

Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? … And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? [Matthew 6:26,30]
Like Job, Jesus also urges His followers to “ask the animals” or “look to the birds”.
Jesus’ point is the same as Job’s, that God is God, He is in charge of the world.
But He adds one more thought – Yes, God is God but God is also good, He really does care for each one of us.
In His painful situation Job was not able to sense that God cared; he still believed that God was God, but he had a harder time accepting that what God was doing was good.

I am very hesitant to accuse Job of a weak faith because my circumstances are not as painful as Job’s.
As Job says, People who are at ease mock those in trouble. [Job 12:5]
In other words, ‘easy for you to say’.
But Jesus, Who Himself endured unbelievable pain and suffering, could say Why do you have so little faith?[Matthew 6:30]
I do not think that Jesus is saying this in a harsh, demeaning way; I suspect that when He said it, it was gentle and inviting.
I can hear Jesus saying to Job, ‘Yes, God is in control, and what you are experiencing is awful, but don’t give up on God, He really does care for you.’
I have found myself offering the same hope to those going through despair or pain – don’t give up on God, He cares for you!
But I admit that when I say it, it is hard, it feels easy for me to say.
Thankfully, when I have spoken these words, the Spirit has also spoken to their hearts, and usually they respond in a positive way; He convinces them of His care on the inside, confirming what I am saying.

Look at the birds, listen to the animals, consider the lillies, notice the sunsets, observe the planets, appreciate the detail of life in creation – and believe that God is God (in control), and that God is good (He really does care).
The same hand that holds this whole universe together, that manages and controls the mysteries and marvels of creation, is the hand that holds our lives together, and will work out all things for His good purpose.
In the midst of the storm, through the fury of painful circumstances, be still and remember that He is God, be still and know that He is good!

Lord, the whole universe is held together in You. Therefore I can trust You with my life. Now, while things are “at ease”, I choose to trust You. May I continue to trust You when things fall apart!

One Comment

  1. In his hand is the life of every creature
    and the breath of all mankind.

    May I too have this confidence each and every day.

    He’s got the whole world in His hands,
    He’s got the whole world in His hands,
    He’s got the whole world in His hands,
    He’s got the whole world in His hands.

    He’s got my brothers and my sisters in His hands,
    He’s got my brothers and my sisters in His hands,
    He’s got my brothers and my sisters in His hands,
    He’s got the whole world in His hands.

    He’s got the sun and the rain in His hands,
    He’s got the moon and the stars in His hands,
    He’s got the wind and the clouds in His hands,
    He’s got the whole world in His hands.

    He’s got the rivers and the mountains in His hands,
    He’s got the oceans and the seas in His hands,
    He’s got you and he’s got me in His hands,
    He’s got the whole world in His hands.

    He’s got everybody here in His hands,
    He’s got everybody there in His hands,
    He’s got everybody everywhere in His hands,
    He’s got the whole world in His hands.

    It Depends Whose Hands It’s In

    A basketball in my hands is worth about $19.
    A basketball in Michael Jordan’s
    hands is worth about $33 million.
    It depends whose hands it’s in

    A baseball in my hands is worth about $6.
    A baseball in Mark McGuire’s hands is worth $19 million.
    It depends whose hands it’s in

    A tennis racket is useless in my hands.
    A tennis racket in Venue Williams’
    hands is a Championship Winning.
    It depends whose hands it’s in

    A rod in my hands will keep away a wild animal.
    A rod in Moses’ hands will part the mighty sea.
    It depends whose hands it’s in

    A sling shot in my hands is a kid’s toy
    A sling shot in David’s hand is a mighty weapon.
    It depends whose hands it’s in

    Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in my
    hands is a couple of fish sandwiches.
    Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in
    God’s hands will feed thousands.
    It depends whose hands it’s in

    Nails in my hands might produce a birdhouse
    Nails in Jesus Christ’s hands will
    produce salvation for the entire world.
    It depends whose hands it’s in

    As you see now it depends whose hands it’s in.
    So put your concerns, your worries, your fears,
    your hopes, your dreams, your families and your
    relationships in God’s hands because

    It depends whose hands it’s in.

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