there is a redeemer

If only there were a mediator between us, someone who could bring us together. The mediator could make God stop beating me, and I would no longer live in terror of his punishment. Then I could speak to him without fear, but I cannot do that in my own strength. [Job 9:33-35]
Job has no doubt Who is God, and that he cannot challenge the God of the Universe.
If it were a court case, he could not even utter a word before God, because it would be immediately clear that he was a sinner, an unreliable witness.
And yet Job senses that he has something to say to God, just no right to say it.
If only there were a mediator, someone to stand in his defense that was sinless, that had a right to speak before God.

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know him and have seen him!” [John 14:6-7]
Jesus is that mediator, that Someone Who stands in our defense.
In Jesus we see God in His love and mercy!
Yes, God is God, He is all-powerful, holy, immeasurable, infinite, glorious beyond our ability to endure…
But He is also merciful, loving, forgiving, patient – when we do not have the strength to face Him, He provides the mediator for us.
He takes care of the barrier that stands between us, and pays the price Himself for our reconciliation.

We do not have the strength to stand before God, but there is a way – Jesus.
He is the only true way to life, i.e. to being restored to God.
He is our Redeemer, the one that pays the way for our forgiveness and freedom.
He is our mediator, Who puts in a good word on our behalf when the issue of justice comes up.
He is not soft on sin, but He addresses it in such a way that we can be released from its consequence.

For the moment, Job is at a loss; he knows that God is too holy to be approached and accused, yet he also feels that he needs to be heard, he needs to get a hearing with God.
He knows what he needs – a perfect mediator – but he probably does not realize how God will do that for him.
Job is unknowingly yet prophetically revealing God’s plan – to provide the mediator, the redeemer, to make a way where there seems to be no way.
Jesus is that way, that mediator, that redeemer, and He is there for you too.

Lord, help me to see You not as an angry judge, but as a loving, merciful and eager to help advocate. I cannot endure this in my own strength. You are what I need! Help me to reach out to You today, when I face my challenges.

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