Hopeful anticipation!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Where could we get enough bread in this remote place?” (Matthew 15:33)
This story brings a sense of deja vu ((Matthew 14:13ff).
Did the disciples not see the multiplied food the first time?
Did they not at least wonder if Jesus would repeat his miracle?
This reminds me of Israel forgetting God’s help in the wilderness.
And in my personal experience, it is not so surprising they forgot.
Through my life Jesus has kept me from collapsing on the way (15:32).
He has multiplied resources and help in ‘remote’ seasons.
And yet now when I am experiencing uncertainty, I still question.
‘Where will we get enough income in these challenging times?’
This repeated story reminds me to keep on trusting in Jesus.
I can wonder how he will provide, but not if.
The Lord will provide somehow, he has always done so before.
Instead of questioning ho or where, maybe I can give thanks in advance.
“Thank you Lord for the way you WILL answer our need!”
Lord Jesus, you are not surprised when we forget, and yet you still patiently and generously provide. Help me to wait in hopeful anticipation.

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