What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” (Matthew 15:26)
I find what Jesus says troubling, comparing this woman and her daughter to ‘dogs’.
But I wonder if we are not getting the whole story here.
Then as now, Canaanites and Jews didn’t get alone; they likely called each other ‘dogs’.
Is Jesus turning her own thoughts and words against her, to convict her.
Her response shows that she is humbled, realizing her guilt in the matter.
We must all reach this point of humility, being honest before Jesus.
Jesus wants to help, but he can’t when we’re too full of ourselves.
He gently reveals our arrogance, self-confidence or judgmental spirits.
He shows us how our attitudes towards God and others hinder us and hurt others.
His rebuke may seem sharp, but he knows our hearts, and he wants to help us.
Where do I need to admit unhealthy and unholy attitudes and desires?
Where do I think or act as if I am better than others?
Where do I demean others with my criticisms or even name calling?
Jesus can’t help until we are honest and ready to admit our need for help.
Lord Jesus, show me where I am judgmental, critical, arrogant, full of myself. May I be humbled, that I may receive your mercy!