Blind leading the blind?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)
The disciples are concerned because Jesus has offended the religious leaders.
Jesus does not seem too concerned about offending the religious leaders.
This is surprising, because normally seems sensitive to the needs of people.
Jesus is sensitive and compassionate, but especially to the weak and struggling.
Jesus reserves his harshest response to religious people, who should know better.
People who know God’s gracious should be more gracious and loving.
By their fruit, it is clear to Jesus that they are not planted in God (v.13).
They are in the place of guides, meant to show people the way to God.
But they are blind guides, only making it harder for people to find God.
These words are an important challenge for church people and leaders.
Throughout history the church has made it hard for seekers and strugglers.
Their actions do not reflect the compassion and mercy of their Saviour and Lord.
Jesus is patient with seekers and strugglers, but not with religious pride.
Church people and leaders today need to ask: are we the blind leading the blind?
Lord Jesus, your greatest frustration is not that people sin, but that people who should know better keep on making it hard for sinners to experience your mercy. Forgive us, for we do not know what we are doing.

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