Nullifying Jesus!?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“You nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition.” (Matthew 15:6)
The religious leaders established traditions to honour the Law of Moses.
Yet Jesus challenges them for nullifying (making nothing) God’s word.
They were doing the exact opposite of what they thought they were doing.
I find this challenging and humbling.
As a religious leader, I am eager to honour God’s word and will.
But what if I am guilty of nullifying God’s Law, the opposite of what I want?
If it was possible then, it is possible now, and not just for me.
I fear that the church through history has been guilty of this.
We create rules to defend the bible, and go against what it is all about.
Our rules seek to define and defend the Law of Love, but nullify that love.
When our understanding of the bible keeps us from loving people, we have a problem.
Jesus defines love by not setting boundaries, but by breaking them down.
He extends love to the holy and unholy, the religious and irreligious.
If our religion is not doing that, then we are nullifying the Word made flesh!
Lord Jesus, if I am guilty of nullifying your Law of Love, show me where, and by your Spirit help me change. Save me from my religion, and make me more like you!

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