PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 13:31-58
What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“He did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.” (Matthew 13:58)
When Jesus comes home to Nazareth, the people are closed to him.
Who does Jesus think he is, he’s no better than any of them?
Unfortunately, their attitude to Jesus hinders what Jesus can do.
Jesus wants to bless them, yet he can’t because they can’t see who he really is.
Sometimes those who know Jesus best are the least impacted by him.
The saying ‘familiarity breeds contempt’ may apply here.
We get so comfortable with someone or something that we lose respect.
The longer we drive a car, the more careless we become as we drive it.
Having grown up knowing about Jesus myself, I can relate to this.
I take Jesus for granted, I assume I already know him, I expect less from him.
If I’m honest, do I really expect something to happen when I pray?
Jesus still wants to bless me and others, to impact our lives with grace.
Would I see Jesus more if I was more open to seeing him (do you see him in the picture)?
This is a thought I need to ponder and pray about some more.
Lord Jesus, you are still amazing, but maybe my sense of wonder has grown thin. I feel like the man who said to you, ‘I believe, help me with my unbelief’.