What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“When anyone hears the message about the kingdom…” (Matthew 13:19)
The seed is not the bible, but the message of the kingdom.
The message of the kingdom is the message of Jesus, the King.
Jesus is how God restores fallen humanity and fallen creation.
Jesus becomes the new Adam, ruling the world in a loving, God-like way.
He shows us what it looks like to live like Adam and Eve were made to.
His pattern of selfless, God- and other-serving love is true human living.
This message of Jesus is the seed, and so we need to focus on that.
If this message was sown in our hearts, our world would be very different.
If this message of love took root in our hearts, we would be very different.
The religious leaders of Jesus’s day had the bible, yet they rejected Jesus.
His message was choked out by Satan’s lives and selfish desires.
They were unfruitful – they lacked love, joy peace, etc (Galatians 5:22-23).
Are we hearing the message of the king and kingdom, and is it fruitful in us?
Our world will remain a dominion of darkness as long as we ignore this seed.
Lord Jesus, you came for one reason: to restore humanity and creation to God’s intended design, world overflowing with love, joy, peace. Is this what your message is doing in me? Is this the harvest your church is producing?