plenty of room for more

There are two passages assigned for today!

SCRIPTURE: Nehemiah 7
At that time the city was large and spacious, but the population was small, and none of the houses had been rebuilt. [Nehemiah 7:4]
There is plenty of room in God’s house, but not enough people.
God designed this creation to be enjoyed by every person that ever existed; every person that has ever lived was a part of God’s original plan, to enjoy the garden planet He created for us.
But the population is small; like Jerusalem at the time of Nehemiah, it was not what it once was because the people rejected God and gave up their place with God.
Yet the rebuilding of the city, the registering of its citizens, these are acts of faith, trusting that God is still God and that He is working towards restoring His creation paradise.
The same is true today; God is still working to rebuild His world and restore His children.
Even if the church seems small or weak, we press on in the rebuilding project because we know God will see it through to completion.
For His creation is large and spacious, but the population is small…

So his master said, ‘Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full. [Luke 14:23]
Jesus tells a parable that shows God’s heart to invite everyone to a banquet; but the people make all kinds of excuses not to come.
God is hurt and angry, not because He is petty or offended, but because they are His children and He loves them and He knows what will happen to them if they persist in rejecting Him.
The missionary call of Jesus is rooted in God’s desire to restore His creation paradise and His much-loved children.
His desire is that His house would be full, that His large and spacious creation would be populated.
“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. [John 14:1-3]
Everything that God has done in history, everything that He is doing through Jesus, is designed to prepare this large and spacious place for His children.
He has done what is necessary to remove sin and restore sinners; He is ‘registering’ all people, inviting them to enjoy His large and spacious place.
But as in Jesus parable, so in reality, many people still refuse His invitation.
He is preparing a place – and there is plenty of room for everyone – but will His invitation be accepted?

Lord, I accept Your invitation; more than that, I want to be Your messenger, calling people to accept Your invitation. Remind me of the many rooms You are preparing, and help me to urge anyone I find to come, so that Your house may be full.

One Comment

  1. Throughout History, God has many new beginnings for His people. This one of them. By His grace and mercy, He allowed them to return to their land for a new beginning, providing also all what they needed – even the leaders who lead the people according to Your Word. Once again, You supplied all that was needed for the new beginning. And the people listened to Your instructions. That’s the way to live – living daily according to Your Word.

    And so today, in order to grow and work in His kingdom, I too must listen to the voice -do this and live. Time and time again the Lord has provided new beginnings in my life. He has given me the freedom to grow in His ‘garden.’ It is my pray that all of His people continue to work and grow and yield an abundant harvest in His ‘garden’. We need to continue to plant and water and He will give the increase. Help me Lord in Your way.

    Send Thy Spirit, I beseech Thee,
    Gracious Lord, send while I pray;
    Send the Comforter to teach me,
    Guide me, help me in Thy way.
    Sinful, wretched, I have wandered
    Far from Thee in darkest night;
    Precious time and talents squandered,
    Lead, O lead me into light.

    Thou hast heard me; light is breaking,
    Light I never saw before;
    Now my soul, with joy awaking,
    Gropes in fearful gloom no more.
    O the bliss! my soul, declare it,
    Say what God has done for thee;
    Tell it out, let others share it
    Christ’s salvation, full and free.

    Multitudes, whom Thou art seeking,
    Seek for Thee this very hour;
    Savior, let them hear Thee speaking,
    Come with soul-converting power.
    Lo, He comes-the ransomed own Him,
    This the song I hear them sing:
    “In my heart I will enthrone Him,
    Christ, my Savior, Lord, and King.

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