Who’s work am I serving?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined.” (Matthew 12:25)
The Pharisees accuse Jesus of working for Satan (Beelzebul).
Jesus argues that Satan would not work to set captives free.
He is the one that enslaves people, why would he release them?
Those who work against Satan’s schemes are not working for Satan.
What are Satan’s schemes… confusion, division, accusation, oppression?
What are Jesus’s ways… healing, restoring, forgiving, blessing, saving!
Jesus is working AGAINST the strong man, not helping him do his dirty work.
In reality, the Pharisees were working for Satan, trying to kill Jesus (12:14).
Which presents a challenge and warning to us as religious people today.
Who’s agenda are we serving, whose purpose does our work look like?
Am I committed to healing, restoring, forgiving, blessing, saving?
Am I more concerned with seeking and saving the lost?
Or more concerned with protecting myself and my beliefs and systems?
I know what Satan does, and what Jesus does… what am I doing?
Lord Jesus, may your Spirit in me heal, restore, forgive, bless and save… with, like and for you. I want to work for you and God, and not for Satan.

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