What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.” (Matthew 12:12)
In my experience, the law told us what we could not do.
It was a negative message: don’t do this, don’t do that!
But the shape of the law is not the intent of the law.
The intent of the law was to point us back to being and doing good.
Jesus summarizes the law as love God and love people (Matthew 22:37-40).
To love God and others is what it means to be moral, to be and do good.
The sabbath was God’s gift of love for everyone – everyone deserves rest.
The laws against murder, adultery, false witness are also gifts.
Love does not take life or cheat or slander, love does good!
There are many complex situations that the law does not easily address.
When situations are complicated, let the goodness of love guide you.
Help someone in need on the Sabbath, even if it means not resting.
Don’t focus on the negative shape of the law, focus on the positive intent.
What can I do to bless and help this person – there is no law against this!
Lord Jesus, keeping the rules is the easy way out. Figuring out what love would do is much harder. Thank you for showing us what love would do, even for sinners and enemies. Help me to live out your law of love!