Gentle and humble in heart!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“For I am gentle and humble in heart.” (Matthew 11:28)
This is what appeals to me about Jesus.
Jesus is a leader like no other, both humble and gentle.
And in Jesus I see God, a God of compassion, grace and goodness.
This is the kind of leader and person I want to be.
Christianity rises or falls on these two qualities.
At its best, it is humble and gentle like Jesus.
At its worse, it is judgmental and harsh, not like Jesus.
I meet many people who have turned away from God, Jesus and church.
But it is not because they experienced them as too humble or gentle.
I do not fault people for rejecting judgmental or harsh faith.
But I hope to point them to this humble and gentle Jesus.
They can find rest for their souls, and a life worth living.
Beware of leaders or christians that are not humble and gentle.
They do not represent or reflect who Jesus or God is.
Lord Jesus, I am drawn to you because of your humble gentleness. In you I see a God I can believe in, and a God I want to serve. May your Spirit transform my spirit to be a leader and servant like you.

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