To receive and give God’s love?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me…” (Matthew 10:40)
Jesus represents God, and we represent Jesus.
We bring God and Jesus to the world around us.
We bring God’s love, joy, peace, etc. into their homes.
We do not represent God’s judgment, but God’s sacrifice of love.
God loves us through Jesus; God loves the world through Jesus and us.
Judgment comes later, when God deals with those who reject love.
It is not just their rejecting us or Jesus, it is rejecting God’s love.
This means those who choose hate, harm, self interest, cruelty, judgment.
These are the opposite of Jesus and of God – and should be of us too.
Jesus promises us that all who welcome love with love will be blessed.
Those who embrace our love, embrace Jesus’s love, and God’s love too.
Bring love, joy and peace to your neighbors, just like Jesus did to us.
We are not responsible for what they do with it; only for what we do with it.
Lord Jesus, I can’t make people accept your gracious love. But if I don’t bring it to them, how can they welcome it. Use me to bring your love to others… whether they accept it or not.

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