What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“You will be hated by everyone because of me.” (Matthew 10:22)
I don’t think Jesus means that everyone will hate us.
He means people of all kinds: related, unrelated, friends, strangers.
But if Jesus is all about love, why do people react in hate?
For some reason, those who live like Jesus irritate some.
Irritating to those in power, because you show mercy.
Irritating to those oppressed by power, because you show mercy.
Loving your neighbor applies to those you like, and those you don’t.
Following Jesus puts us at odds with those on the right and the left.
Sometimes even your own family will accuse you of being weak.
Jesus-like living and loving goes against our sinful human nature.
We feel that ourselves, when we try to live it out.
Even though it blesses some, many are provoked by it.
Friendships end, churches split, families turn on their own.
Following Jesus is costly, because it means showing mercy to all!
Lord Jesus, we are living in a day when families are churches are dividing over how to love their neighbour. Help us to stand firm to the end in your mercy, until the final mercy day!