What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“Freely you have received; freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)
Here is a simple summary of the good news of God’s grace.
We receive God’s grace freely, we share God’s grace freely.
We are to treat others as God has treated us – graciously.
Grace is contagious, it spreads like a virus from person to person.
Jesus assures the disciples that grace will provide for them.
They do not need to worry about gold and silver, grace will provide.
This is the core principle for living as a follower of Jesus.
Spread the generous kindness of God, as he has shown it to you.
And the Lord will take care you you, through the grace of others.
More often than not, people respond well to being treated graciously.
More often than not, people do not respond well to being treated poorly.
Sadly, not everyone responds to kindness with kindness.
But lets be honest, are we as kind to others as God is to us?
Today I sense Jesus gently calling me to be more gracious with others.
Lord Jesus, you are calling me to be as generous to others as you are with me. This is hard, I need your help to do this. Overwhelm me with your grace, so that my response may be more gracious.