Holy shrewdness!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)
Living with, like and for Jesus in this dark world will not be easy.
But he will help us, his Spirit will speak and work through us, we will not be alone.
Here Jesus urges us to be wise, to think through how best to represent him.
Neither gullible nor a pushover, we should always think and act with integrity.
Beware of traps, look for opportunities, think through implications… be wise!
Know how the enemy works, and make your plans accordingly.
Satan will use anyone/anything to silence or hold me back, to discourage or defeat me.
He is shrewd like a serpent, but we can be too… only without resorting to evil.
Jesus urges us (as does Paul) to be prepared and armed (Ephesians 6:10-20).
Where is Jesus sending me today, where will I end up having to share his love?
How will the enemy work against me to silence me, to hold me back?
What steps will I take, what friends will I rely on, what supports will I use?
The Lord will help me with his Spirit, but I must do my part as well.
Life as a Jesus follower calls for shrewd yet innocent STRATEGIC PLANNING.
Lord, your Spirit’s help is greatly appreciated but I need to be engaged too, to carefully consider the enemy’s schemes and to plan accordingly.

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