Another name on the list!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“These are the names of the twelve apostles…” (Matthew 10:2)
This is the first mention of ‘apostles’.
It is a title meaning ‘one sent as messenger or on a mission’.
They are commissioned, authorized to represent Jesus and his authority.
In Jesus’s Name, they preach, heal and drive out demons.
Yet look at some of the people named…
Four fisherman, a tax collector, a zealot, and a traitor.
We know less about the others, but were they any more noble?
Jesus authorizes nobodies, radicals and outsiders.
This motley crew of social rejects represent Jesus.
How long had they been with Jesus; this was enough training?
As we will see, they still do not understand who Jesus is.
Add another name to this list – our own name.
Am I trained enough, noble enough, or understanding enough?
This is what is so amazing to me: I am sent to, just as I am!
Lord Jesus, seeing this list both honors and humbles me, reminding me that I am called and authorized by grace to bring grace to wherever you send me!

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