What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Matthew 9:13)
It was a huge scandal for Jesus to call Matthew the tax collector.
Matthew was a collaborator with the enemy, a traitor.
Jesus’s calling to Matthew demonstrates radical grace.
Radical grace does not treat us as our sins deserve.
Radical grace embraces us, despite our flaws and failures.
Radical grace actually changes us, and helps us grow in goodness.
Matthew, like Zacchaeus, changes his priorities because of Jesus’s grace.
Radical grace not only receives us, but sends us out to share it.
Matthew invites other sinners and they too are welcome at Jesus’s table.
Radical grace annoys the Pharisees; it still does today!
I am one of the sinners that Jesus has called.
My views are contrary, maybe even heretical, according to some.
But I am not called because of my rightness or goodness.
I am called by radical grace, and it is slowly changing me too.
Lord Jesus, I am one of the sinners called by radical grace. Like Matthew I want all my friends to know how awesome your radical grace is!