Resting in the storm


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The waves swept over the boat, but Jesus was sleeping.” (Matthew 8:24)
I find this picture somewhat amusing.
Can you see the disciples frantically managing the boat.
And then there is Jesus, fast asleep – he must have been tired.
Its a small boat, how could Jesus NOT sense the storm?
But what strikes me is the contrast between them.
The disciples frantic, and Jesus resting in peace, in faith.
I get the disciples, but I wish I could be more calm, like Jesus.
Jesus knew his purpose, he knew he would not die in this storm.
He was confident that God would get them through this.
As I experience the storm, I want to rest in peace more.
My mind is racing, I am scrambling to keep from sinking.
What if occasionally I would pause, breathe deep, and do nothing.
Share with Jesus his confidence that God will get me through this.
Take some time to rest with Jesus, and see if he calms the storm inside!
Lord Jesus, all my frantic worrying and scurrying are not making things better, I might as well take time to rest in you. Calm the storm within me, that help me to trust and rest in you.

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