Invited to feast on God’s love!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Will take their places at the feast…” (Matthew 8:11)
“There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 8:12)

How would you describe paradise, how would you describe misery?
The ancients used images they understood, like feasting and weeping.
These are word pictures, meant to help us understand what we do not know.
The future with God will be wonderful, like a feast or banquet.
The future without God will be awful, like being consumed by regret or rage.
We need to take these images seriously, not literally.
The person that chooses love will feast on the fruit of love.
The person that chooses cruelty will despair on the result of cruelty.
Why does Jesus say that outsiders will feast, but insiders will despair?
Because ‘son of the world’ is seeking compassion, concern for the other.
While the ‘sons of the kingdom’s are only seeking themselves.
We reap what we sow; if we sow love we will reap it, but if not…
Don’t take these images literally, but take them seriously!
Lord Jesus, help me to start sharing your banquet of love with others now, so they can enjoy it with you forever!

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