What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)
In the beginning, Adam and Eve did not worry about food and clothing.
God was with them, and provided everything they needed to thrive.
Their calling was to live as God’s kingdom agents.
Their commitment was to do this in a God-like (right) way.
This is what it means to be God’s image-bearers, and how Jesus lived.
Listening to the serpent, they abandoned their calling and commitment.
Jesus assures us God is still with us, and will provide what we need.
Our calling and commitment is to focus on God-like living.
What does this mean concretely, in this broken, messed up world.
Every day I face challenges that push me away from this focus?
The serpent still entices me to seek my own kingdom, my own way.
My constant question needs to be, ‘what does Jesus want me to do?’
Seek this first in every situation and challenge – God will handle the rest.
Lord Jesus, you have shown me what kingdom-like living looks like. Help me to trust God’s provision and to actually think about and live this out in the daily details of my life.