marital faithfulness

They were trembling both because of the seriousness of the matter and because it was raining. Then Ezra the priest stood and said to them: “You have committed a terrible sin. By marrying pagan women, you have increased Israel’s guilt. So now confess your sin to the Lord, the God of your ancestors, and do what he demands. Separate yourselves from the people of the land and from these pagan women.” [Ezra 10:9-11]
OK, now here is a dilemma; how do we deal with this decision to “divorce” their pagan wives in light of God’s hatred of divorce [Malachi 2:16], and Jesus’ warnings against divorce?
Jesus replied, “Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts, but it was not what God had originally intended. And I tell you this, whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery—unless his wife has been unfaithful. [Matthew 19:8-9]
I see this situation as an example of a “concession to your hard hearts”, as a serious action because of a serious case of unfaithfulness.

I think we mistake the nature of these “marriages”; these were not happy white chapel weddings performed by priests with exchanges of vows, lighting of candles, God as their witness, etc.
These were men taking young girls (more than one), usually arranged by the man and the father for dowries, as treaties between families or communities, and for sexual pleasure.
This was how women survived in those days, it was their own hope – to be given to a man, to provide children.
The terrible sin is that “marriage” had become a cruel, perverse institution, a far cry from what God intended in the beginning.
Yes, God hates divorce when it undermines what He intended in the beginning, but He also hates marriage when it undermines what He intended in the beginning.
We live in a twisted, mess up world, and somehow God is working to try and re-establish His order, His morality, His creation design through His people.
We are to be examples in our lives (marriage, family life, work, entertainment, etc.) of what God originally intended.
But because of the hardness of our hearts, God often has to work through poor examples and less than ideal people.

I take from today’s readings a serious warning to look at my life, to look at the things that I participate in, to look at the ways I compromise my integrity or morality.
I also see the need to take my marriage vows more seriously, to think about how created me and Valerie to be husband and wife together, and to see whether I am living up to what God originally intended.
No, I do not need to put away a pagan woman; but I do need to honour love and serve the “Eve” that the Lord has blessed me with.

Lord, thank You for the 22 years that Valerie and I have enjoyed together; help me to take our marriage seriously, to honour You and her, to be faithful to You and to her – as You originally intended!

One Comment

  1. Being faithful to the Word of the Lord – being separate – a separate people doing the will of the Lord – in all things including marriage. All too often our roaming eyes see what is around us and we desire the same – wealth, a king, women, possessions, etc. We want what they have. Our eyes are never satisfied with our seeing. And where is God’s Word in all this?

    Words and actions must be the same. Inward function and outward structure must be aligned. Our relationship to the Lord must show our head and heart and hands be intune with one another. This also includes faithfulness in marriage. Be separate from the world and true to His Word. But above all, being true in my relationship to the Lord for He is my All in all.

    Help me each day Lord to live Your Word. You have told us this is the Way , walk in it. Guide us, lead us by Your Spirit so that we walk in Your SonShine each day. Help me to be faithful to You and my relationships here on earth each day.

    All of this is worship,

    O worship the King, all glorious above,
    O gratefully sing His power and His love;
    Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days,
    Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise.

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