Seeking the kingdom in Jesus!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” (Matthew 3:2)
Matthew uses ‘of heaven’ instead of ‘of God’, but they mean the same.
It is God’s kingdom, or the rule and authority of God on earth.
It comes near in Jesus, and through Jesus; he rules for God.
This points back to Adam and Eve, who were to rule God’s kingdom for God.
Jesus is restoring Adam’s (humanity’s) rule as a human ruling for God.
He is reversing the rebellion, and restoring God’s ‘very good’ world.
This is why we are called to rethink or reconsider (repent).
Our way of thinking and living has made this world ‘very bad’.
The wilderness we are in is because of the wildness of our ways.
When we see Jesus, we see God’s way, what was supposed to be Adam’s way.
Jesus lives as an image-bearers ought to live, as we were made to live.
With God as his children, like God in his character, for God in his purpose.
Do we want to experience life to the full, or life that is ‘very good’?
Then admit this, believe in Jesus, and commit yourself to living in him!
Lord Jesus, in you I see life as it was meant to be lived. This is the life I want. I surrender myself to you, immerse me in your Spirit that I may live and reign with, like and for you!

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