Quiet, humble proof!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Jesus gave him no answer.” (Luke 23:9)
Jesus just stood there quietly, looking like a fool.
Herod wanted a sign, Jesus gave him nothing.
In the end Herod only saw a buffoon, a meek helpless mute.
Jesus does not come across like a worldly leader or celebrity.
He didn’t draw attention to himself, avoiding the spotlight.
People were always demanding proof or signs to back him up.
He did not do miracles on demand, only when they had a good purpose.
People still demand proof and signs that Jesus is Lord.
‘Why doesn’t he make evil stop, why doesn’t he show himself?’
‘Why doesn’t he speak to me, or help me when I need him?’
“Jews demand signs, Greeks look for wisdom; we preach Christ crucified.” (1 Corinthians 1:22)
Jesus’s humble, sacrificial love is the sign that proves his greatness!
He joins us in our struggle, and overcomes it with his goodness.
To love, serve, bless, forgive, share and care is quiet proof for God!
Lord, help me not to try to fight and prove you. Help me to be like you, proving God’s message with quiet, humble love.


  1. “From what he had heard about him, he hoped to see him perform a sign of some sort.” What everyone wanted. Jesus looks for faith. We too may be disappointed when we don’t seem to get the answer to a prayer – something we are looking for. Believe and receive – not the other way around. There are too many Herods -looking for proof before they believe! Lord help me overcome my reservations too and believe more fully each day!

  2. Once again the religious leaders were accusing Jesus. They were with the political leaders while doing this. Jesus had demonstrated who He was during the three years of His mnistry with His disciples. The leaders wanted signs at their demands. But He had already had shown the way. Their hearts were hardened to have it their own way. They thought they were in control. Their eyes could not see the Lord standing in their presence. Even today we demand to control Jesus and have it our own way. He has hown the way but we too can’t see it. His way is the way of truth and LIFE. I need to live like Jesus and be an instrument of His peace. Jesus is the Jesus if I but focus on Him and trust Him with my life. He is always with me and in that power I cango forward each day for the joy of the Lod God is my strength.

    The Lord is my strength and my song.
    He’s become my salvation.
    The Lord is my strength and my song.
    He’s become my salvation.
    The Lord is my strength and my song.
    He’s become my salvation.
    The Lord is my strength and my song.
    He’s become my salvation.

    He is my God, and I will praise Him.
    My father’s God, and I’ll exalt Him.
    He is my God, and I will praise Him.
    My father’s God, and I’ll exalt Him.

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