Redemptive subversion!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“We have found this man subverting our nation.” (Luke 23:2)
The Latin root for ‘subvert’ means to turn from beneath.
The original Greek word in this text means to turn thoroughly.
Jesus is accused of turning things around – like a revolution.
But was Jesus really a revolutionary?
Not in the sense we normally think, but yes he was.
Jesus came to turn things right, straight, or right-side up.
Our world is upside down or backwards in terms of goodness.
Jesus ‘subverted’ the rulers by being humble, gentle, patient, and loving.
His goodness antagonized their self-serving attitudes and behaviours.
As Messiah, Jesus was the king of the Jews, but not a worldly king.
His exercise of authority was shown in how he loved and served people.
Jesus subverts Satan, sin, death and hell by his subversive kindness.
As Jesus followers, we are called to be kingdom subversives in the same way.
Not with violence or rebellion but with grace, mercy and peace!
Lord, help me to know how to be like you in this upside-down, mixed up world. May I also subvert things like greed, selfishness and injustice with my gracious attitude and behaviour.


  1. “I find no basis for a charge against this man.” That was Pilate’s conclusion after his interrogation. Jesus is innocent of what they are accusing him – the accusers were groping for something in order to get Pilate to sentence Jesus – but he refuses and instead declares Jesus innocent. This time when he finds out that Jesus was from Galilee – he sends Jesus of to Herod. Pilate did not want to sentence Jesus! Jesus is innocent. As believers we need to stand ready. We too may be accused because we believe in Jesus – the evil one is seeking ways to accuse us! Stand firm in Jesus by the HS!

  2. Jesus was radicle in His teaching of the day – turning things upside down and certainly going against the flow of the day. Love your enemies. Turn the other check. Give away all you have and follow Jesus. The focus is not on self, but being an instrument of His peace. Certainly much different than the religious leaders of the day. Living for Jesus who leads us in the way of true living. Not my way, but His will be done. I need to be a servant true.

    Make Me A Servant, Humble And Meek.
    Lord, Let Me Lift Up Those Who Are Weak,
    And May The Prayer Of My Heart Always Be:
    Make Me A Servant, Make Me A Servant,
    Make Me A Servant Today!

    May I Heal The Sick And The Crippled Bind,
    Bring Back The Sheep That Stray.
    May I Seek The Lost And The Weak Make Strong,
    With Justice Feed The Poor.

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