stir my heart, Lord

There are two passages assigned for today!

Then God stirred the hearts of the priests and Levites and the leaders of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin to go to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple of the Lord. And all their neighbours assisted by giving them articles of silver and gold, supplies for the journey, and livestock. They gave them many valuable gifts in addition to all the voluntary offerings. [Ezra 1:5-6]
I love the idea of God stirring the hearts of people.
A feeling rising within, a warming of the heart, a growing desire to do something.
Have you ever felt a stirring within to do something – to call someone, to pray for something, to help someone, to say something – have you thought that maybe that was God stirring within your heart?
In today’s reading, God “stirs” the hearts of the religious leaders to go back to the ruins of Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and city.
But He also heart of the king of Babylon to release the Jewish exiles and to help them rebuild their temple and their city… this seems so surprising!?!
And He stirs the hearts of the citizens of Babylon to assist them with their financial gifts… unbelievable!

They entered the house and saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. [Matthew 2:11]
How did these pagan kings get to this point of traveling miles and miles to give such expensive gifts?
To say that the “stars” made them do it is just not enough… God stirred their hearts!
It seems to me that God is doing a whole lot more stirring than we are aware of.
I would go so far to say that nothing good happens apart from God’s stirring in the hearts of people.
Every act of kindness, every surprising experience, every positive word or deed, these are all the result of God stirring in the hearts of people, and people acting in response to that stirring.
His purpose in this is to work against the stirring of evil in the world; yes, there is also a power of darkness that stirs things up for bad.
For those who only focus on the negative, all they see is the bad stuff stirring up in the world.
But take time today to look for the good things being stirred up.
Donations being made to charities, voices speaking up against injustice, crimes being solved and criminal brought to justice, people who are healed through natural or miraculous means, beautiful works of art, encouraging words and unexpected gifts… and God is stirring them up.

Through today’s reading, God provides for the temple, where the messiah will eventually come; through the wise men God provides for the messiah’s family needs.
God is still stirring around us today, to provide for His purpose and our help.
He is also stirring in us, that He might bless others through us.
Where is He stirring around… and in you… today?

Lord, I sense Your Spirit stirring in me through this reading, to open my eyes to how You are at work in me and around me. Help me to sense Your stirring within today!

One Comment

  1. Heart moving. God continues to ‘use’ people His purposes to fulfill. Spirit moving. His Spirit is alive and well today as it was in days past. His Sprit continues to ‘blow’ where God desires- His purpose, His will to be done.

    I believe that the work at the Quisqueya Relief was a result of His Spirit moving among the people. God at work among the ‘storm’ in Haiti. Never in my life have I seen more people reading His Word on campus. And each night at the debriefing, there was a devotional led by a relief team members Believers and no-believers sitting together in a classroom hearing the Word of the Lord. God at work. A Spirit filled room. A Spirit filled campus. God’s place. A work place A resting place. A renewal place. An energy place.

    May I be Spirit driven Lord this day to do Your will.

    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

    Break me, melt me, mold me fill me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

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