Confident… from now on!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“From now on, the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of God.” (Luke 22:69)
For Jews, ‘Son of God’ meant a God-pleasing human, like Adam (Luke 3:38).
And ‘Son of Man’ meant the promised messiah (see Daniel 7:13-14).
This Son of Man would stand receive God’s authority, glory and power.
Jesus saw himself as Son of God (faithful Adam) and Son of Man (promised Messiah).
This is what provoked the anger of the Jewish leaders, and led to his death.
Jesus knows this, but he also knows this will only confirm his identity.
“From now on” suggests from this point on, even when he suffers and dies.
His suffering and death do not dethrone him, but confirm his identity.
Jesus has been crowned with all authority over all creation.
Adam is back in charge, God’s creation kingdom is re-established.
With Jesus, we are also reigning with God, victorious over Satan, sin and death.
Even though we suffer and die, “from now on” we are victorious with Christ.
This can give us confidence and strength as we face our own suffering and death.
Like Jesus, I refuse to let my troubles distract me from my secure position!
Lord, despite all that seems to say the opposite, help me stand with you, with God, trusting I am secure, and nothing can separate me from God’s love.


  1. “We have heard it from his own lips.” I can believe that Jesus is frustrated. Even when John the Baptist started having doubts – Jesus told him to look at what was happening as prophesized by Isaiah. These leaders knew – but they were not asking because they would believe Jesus – they were asking so that they could accuse Jesus of blasphemy – because they did not believe him to be the promised Messiah – the son of God/son of Man. Believing in Jesus today is based on the testimony of others – of the gospel writers but even in this record of Jesus’ own words and also the work of the HS within me. Lord I believe help me overcome my moments of unbelief – rather make me more faithful each day in testifying of your grace in my life!!

  2. Jesus was the promised Messiah.
    He is the Son of God and He reigns. He is seated at God’s right hand and from there He intrceds for His people – all who believe that He is the Son of God – promised the set things right again – the second Adam. And in my living for Jesus, in all things, I am His and He is mine. He came. He died. He arose. He ascended . And because of that I have life today and forever in His name.
    He reigns.

    Our God is an awesome God
    He reigns from heaven above
    With wisdom, power, and love
    Our God is an awesome God

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