God’s own mocking Jesus!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The men who were guarding Jesus began mocking and beating him.” (Luke 22:63)
Those in power mock and beat Jesus, insulting him in his weakness.
Jesus, declared to be the Son of God, is totally humiliated.
His message of good news is mocked as religious folly.
Notice that these are the guards in the house of the high priest (v.54).
These are Jewish guards, under the authority of the high priest.
“He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.” (John 1:11)
God’s holy people, chosen and loved, are mocking God’s messiah.
Sometimes the religious are persecuted, but sometimes they do the persecuting.
Believers mistreating believers who do not believe like they do.
How do you receive (or not) those who are not like you in faith?
How do you speak of those that you believe are weak or wrong in faith?
We may not beat them physically, but do we beat them verbally?
Jesus is in/with those who are mistreated for their faith.
When we insult and reject other believers, we insult and reject Jesus.
Lord, forgive me for belittling you when I belittle believers who think differently from me. Show me where I am doing this, and help me to stop!


  1. “The men who were guarding Jesus began mocking and beating him.” They were having fun beating Jesus – they felt they had the power – and so they abuse. Like any abuse – it is at the cost of the dignity and worth of the person being abused. As humans we can be hurtful – especially when we have control and the ramifications of our abusive behavior has no cost. These guards must of seen Jesus before – with the people – maybe they even listened to him. Now they were up close and they had him under their clutches – but did they really know who they were dealing with?? I (we) better know. Jesus the name by which we are saved – the name above all names! Lord forgive me when I take your love for granted! You paid such a price – all the beatings and abuse while controlling the power you had to do something about it – how you kept your anger at bay and persevered to the cross! For me (us) who believe!

  2. As God’s people, how do I treat others? Others who are believers in Jesus but think differently than I do. May my speech and actions always show that I am Christ’s and He is mine. As far as it deends upon me, be at peace with all mankind and in way show the love of Christ. need to be like Christ unto them.

    1 To be like Jesus, To be like Jesus.
    All I ask, to be like Him.
    All thru life’s journey from earth to glory,
    All I ask, to be like Him.

    2 To love like Jesus, to love like Jesus.
    All I ask, to love like Him.
    All thru life’s journey from earth to glory,
    All I ask, to love like Him.

    3 To pray like Jesus, to pray like Jesus.
    All I ask, to pray like Him.
    All thru life’s journey from earth to glory,
    All I ask, to pray like Him.

    4 To serve like Jesus, to serve like Jesus.
    All I ask, to serve like Him.
    All thru life’s journey from earth to glory,
    All I ask, to serve like Him.

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