Longing for love and justice!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“I will sing of your love and justice… when will you come to me?” (Psalm 101:1-2)
David is feeling abandoned by God, yet he clings to his love and justice.
No matter what happens, he is determined to be true to the God of love and justice.
The word love means God’s unfailing compassion, grace, patience and forgiveness.
The word justice refers to how God is fair (just), and always does what is right.
God does not cheat, lie, steal, abuse, neglect, break promises, etc.
All of these unloving, unjust practices are what the bible means by immorality.
God is good, and David clings to the goodness of God, even when others don’t.
But this can be hard, when everyone around you lives by different values.
Which is why David is pleading for God to show up and help him.
Jesus is the living embodiment of God’s love and justice, and he shows up to help.
Jesus is “the faithful in the land”, “the one whose walk is blameless” (101:6)
Are our eyes on him, are we letting him serve and help and form us?
In a way, David sees Jesus (love and justice), and eagerly wants to be like him.
Am I devoted to the love and justice of Jesus, am I eager to live with, like and for him?
Lord, loving you and longing to be like you go hand in hand. Ignite the fire of your love and justice in my heart, so that immorality is out of place there.


  1. “I hate what faithless people do; I will have no part in it.” Do I though. Not always – I’m sometimes enticed by it. Lord help me to be more on the guard – to keep my thoughts clean – free from the temptations that wrong thoughts bring! Help me, Holy Spirit to be more vigilant and ready to turn the other way – to avoid.

  2. Living for Jesus.
    This reminds me of the WWJD slogan – what would Jesus do?
    Be a servant true. Live a life of love. Be blameless in Jesus name. Do good. Love peace. Be like Christ unto others.
    To do this I need to be in step with the Lord, starting each day with Him for He is my strength and song. May my words and deeds show that I am His and He is mine and His banner over me is love. The joy of the Lord God is my strength and power each day. May His Light shine through me.

    {Verse 1}
    Lord, the light of your love is shining
    In the midst of the darkness, shining
    Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us
    Set us free by the truth you now bring us
    Shine on me, shine on me

    Shine, Jesus, shine
    Fill this land with the Father’s glory
    Blaze, Spirit, blaze
    Set our hearts on fire
    Flow, river, flow
    Flood the nations with grace and mercy
    Send forth your word
    Lord, and let there be light

    {Verse 2}
    Lord, I come to your awesome presence
    From the shadows into your radiance
    By the blood I may enter your brightness
    Search me, try me, consume all my darkness
    Shine on me, shine on me

    {Verse 3}
    As we gaze on your kingly brightness
    So our faces display your likeness
    Ever changing from glory to glory
    Mirrored here may our lives tell your story
    Shine on me, shine on me

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