Not to be like this!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“You are not to be like that.” (Luke 22:26)
What makes someone great in God’s eyes?
Greatness in the world is determined by position, strength and power.
It is to be on top of others, exercising authority as a ‘Benefactor’.
When those on the bottom do not follow the rules, they must be lorded over.
Top down authority, ruling by decree and discipline, keeping the people in line.
Listen to political leaders, how they want to make things great again.
But what is sad, even church leaders lord it over and exercise authority like this.
We are not to be like this; we do not rule by decree and discipline.
We are among the people as servants, as the weakest and not the strongest.
Today we are seeing church leaders and political leaders working in tandem.
Just like they worked together to control and silence Jesus.
That the world is like this is to be expected; but not the followers of Jesus.
The greater the church strives to be, the less great it becomes.
Jesus’s kingdom is not run by the sword, but by the servant’s towel.
Lord, forgive us for losing sight of your greatness, and trying to make ourselves great in a worldly way. Help me to be like you, the one who serves!


  1. “But I am among you as one who serves.” This is the example – one that we all should strive to follow. To be ready and able and willing to serve. Its sometimes very inconvenient and sometimes conflicts with our own agendas. I can sometimes not be in the best frame of mind when I serve especially when it comes when I’m busy with something else. But I know serving is what I’m called to do. It definitely was a challenge for Jesus – but He did! Lord Jesus give me the willingness and the opportunities to serve!

  2. As Christ Jesus came to serve, I must do the same since I am His follower. Greatness in His kingdom is being a servant true. And that is contrary tothe world’s kingdoms which lord themselves over others by their position and power and wealth. jesus followers need to be ‘foot washers’, being instruments of His peace, being like Jesus unto others.
    Lord, help me to be a servant true this day and always.

    Make Me A Servant, Humble And Meek.
    Lord, Let Me Lift Up Those Who Are Weak,
    And May The Prayer Of My Heart Always Be:
    Make Me A Servant, Make Me A Servant,
    Make Me A Servant Today! [2]

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