Is there room for Jesus?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Where is the guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?” (Luke 22:11)
How does Jesus know about this specific man and his guest room?
How would this man know ‘The Teacher’, did Jesus’s reputation precede him?
It is also interesting that this is not a request for a room, but an expectation.
It is possible that Jesus knew this man, and that this had been prearranged.
All this is interesting, but how does it relate to me?
Passover is a salvation celebration, how God rescues his family from bondage.
Passover was celebrated by families in their homes, under the blood of the lamb.
Jesus sees his disciples as his family; he is the lamb that rescues us from bondage.
He wants to eat with me, and me with him, so I can experience salvation in him.
But where is the guest room in my life, and is there room for Jesus in it?
Is my heart and life so cluttered that there is no room… am I pre-occupied?
Even if the room is messy, let him it; he will help us clean it up!
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” (Revelation 3:20)
Lord Jesus, I welcome you into my heart, but it is a cluttered space. Please help me clean it up, so that it is a fitting room to welcome you in.


  1. Jesus was entering Jerusalem for the last time. When he came to earth at his birth there was no room for him – instead he was born in a stable. Now when he wanted to eat the Passover (and initiate the Lord’s supper in its stead) there was a room prepared: “He will show you a large room upstairs, all furnished. Make preparations there.” At that supper in that room Jesus set appointed the cup of the communion to be the cup marking the new covenant in Jesus name (in his blood) – the new community that we may be a part of – there is now room for all who believe. There is room – we may invite others – and there is room! Use us Lord to invite others to come to the room!

  2. Obey.
    No matters what instructions Jesus gives, obey.
    Listen – trust – obey. His disciples did.
    And to be in tune with the Lord, I need to remain diligent in His Word with an open heart – room for Jesus – staying in touch with Him as He continues to lead and direct my life of service to Him lead by His Spirit.

    1 Come into my heart, Lord Jesus,
    Come into my heart today;
    The door so long barred I open,
    Come in, blessed Lord, to stay.
    Into my heart,
    Into my heart,
    Come into my heart, Lord Jesus;
    Come in today,
    Come in to stay,
    Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
    2 And make of my heart, unworthy,
    A temple divinely fair;
    And Thou, only Thou, Lord Jesus,
    Exalted and worshiped there. [Refrain]
    3 Lord, make of my heart an altar,
    Where burneth Thy love, aflame
    Of pure, cleansing fire, refining,
    Consuming all dross and shame. [Refrain]
    4 Come, come to my heart, Lord Jesus,
    The door I throw open wide;
    Come in, blessed Friend of sinners,
    And ever with me abide. [Refrain]
    5 Abiding in me, Lord Jesus,
    And I abiding in Thee;
    No power my soul can sever
    From Him who has died for me. [Refrain]

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