Driven by fear, not love!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“For they were afraid of the people.” (Luke 22:2)
We see Jesus through his contrast with the religious leaders.
They were afraid of the people – but what does this mean?
They feared an uprising, and the loss of their peace, comfort, position.
They feared the people listening to Jesus, who rebuked them as leaders.
Their whole life was at risk, and they had to do whatever to save it.
This is the contrast with Jesus, who risks his life for the people.
Jesus sacrifices his position and wealth for others (Philippians 2:5-11).
His life was not motivated by fear but by love, which is stronger.
What makes us afraid about others, especially some ‘others’.
Are we responding to our fears with greater love, or self-protection?
Are we doing what it takes to serve and protect ourselves?
I sense a lot of political and religious fear in our world today.
Are religious leaders and disciples like Judas giving in to Satan’s fears?
Or are we overcoming fear with the greatest of all – self-giving love?
Lord, show me where I am motivated more by selfish fear than by selfless love. May your Spirit strengthen your love in me, that I can resist Satan and his fear tactics.

One Comment

  1. “Then Satan entered Judas,” The evil one got his way and Judas did not challenge Satan – he was complicit – Satan guided him and directed him to take the next steps. Evil thoughts – Satanic ones – can come but I must take on the protection of my Saviour – HS continue to warn me and make me realize what the evil one is doing – tempting me to do what I know is wrong! My defense shields must be up – I must not allow Satan to do what he did with Judas – go in and manipulate his thinking and he took actions to betray his rabbi!

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