The signs of (kingdom) summer!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“When you see these things, you know that the kingdom of God is near.” (Luke 21:31)
I always enjoy seeing the leaves budding on the trees.
A sure sign that spring has come, and summer is on the way.
(In Canada, spring and summer is what I look forward too).
Jesus describes this anticipation, announced by the budding fig tree.
When we see trouble in the world, when we see nations in anguish and perplexity…
We know that God has restored Adam (Jesus) to the throne!
We know that God is restoring justice and mercy and peace and love!
We know that God is unraveling the power of Satan, sin, death and hell!
God is at work in the world through Jesus and his followers to set things right!
The creation itself knows it, and groans in anticipation (Romans 8:19-22).
The darkness fights with fury, because it knows its time is short (Revelation 12:12).
And we persevere, eager for the kingdom summer that follows kingdom spring!
So as we see the turmoil and groaning of life in this messed up world…
“Stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:28)
Lord, Satan wants us to see global turmoil and give up in despair. You are telling us these are the signs of your kingdom coming, to look up in hope! I choose to listen to you rather than Satan!


  1. “Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.” We’ve been in a ‘near’ situation many times! I am that believers experiencing trauma feel it is – I’m sure like Stephen they too see Jesus before they are taken. Jesus is near – so the Kingdom is near! Thank you Lord that I can walk daily in confidence knowing that your are there! I just need to look at the trees and flowers in spring and see – as they unravel so unravels ‘time’ we are subject too now. But there is an end to it when the full new kingdom is here – in the meantime we’ll do our best to restore and exercise good stewardship!

  2. A sign of the times. Wars, rumours of war. Earthquakes. Floods. Droughts.
    My focus needs to be on the upward look and not the downward look.
    All these things need to happen. But God is in control. His Kingdom, His rule will be firmly established as He has promised. As the seasons come and go, as nations rise and fall, His Word never fails. As He is here and now with us, His Kingdom will come in full. Look for Him for He is here with you and me. My God is everywhere and in that confidence I go forward liing for Jesus.

    ‘Til by faith I met Him face to face
    And I felt the wonder of His grace
    Then I knew that He was more
    Than just a God who didn’t care
    That lived away out there
    And now He walks beside me day by day
    Ever watching o’er me lest I stray
    Helping me to find that narrow way
    He’s ev’rything to me

    Verse 1
    In the stars His handiwork I see
    On the wind He speaks with majesty
    Tho’ He ruleth over land and sea
    What is that to me

    Verse 2
    I will celebrate nativity
    For it has a place in history
    Sure He came to set His people free
    What is that to me

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