what on earth is God doing?

God’s Mission, what on earth God is doing!
Do you think of God as on a mission?
Do you see God as active in the world, or passive?
And if God is active, what is it that God is doing?
I believe that God is on a mission; I believe that God is active in the world for a specific purpose.
I believe that the God that created this world is now at work restoring this world, remaking it into the paradise that it was first created to be!
The bible is not first of all a rule book, or an encyclopaedia of information; the bible is first and foremost the record or story of God’s plan of recreation, or rescuing this world from the mess that we made it.
The bible begins with a perfect creation; and it ends with a perfect (or new) creation.
But in-between it is a twisted story of good and evil intertwined, and ultimately a story of how God overcomes the evil with good.
This is what God is up to in the world; this is what God is doing everywhere, all the time.
And this is what God is doing in Falby Court!

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