the King we need

SCRIPTURE: 2 Chronicles 21
But the Lord did not want to destroy David’s dynasty, for he had made a covenant with David and promised that his descendants would continue to rule, shining like a lamp forever. [2 Chronicles 21:7]
In the mysterious purpose of God, He chose to establish a royal lineage from which the ultimate king (Messiah) would come; it was this purpose that protected the throne of David, not the greatness of its kings.
Jehoram is an example of this; he was a wicked king, exemplified by his cruel murder of his family.
How could God keep His promise, and protect the line of David, with kings like this?
As we shall see, God’s purpose is stronger than human failure.
God protects His purpose, while punishing cruel, tyranical despots devoted to evil.
His purpose is to establish a Kingdom of Light (a good king, a perfect kingdom) that will not go out.

Then Jesus presented them with a question. “Why is it,” he asked, “that the Messiah is said to be the son of David? For David himself wrote in the book of Psalms: ‘The Lord said to my Lord, Sit in the place of honour at my right hand until I humble your enemies, making them a footstool under your feet.’ Since David called the Messiah ‘Lord,’ how can the Messiah be his son?” [Luke 20:41-44]
Jesus reminds the religious leaders of the words of David in Psalm 110:1, where he seems to recognize that there is a ‘Lord’ higher than himself, one that would one day rule at the right hand of God – the highest place!
He is showing them that none of the kings in David’s line, including Jehoram, not even David himself, could match the coming Messiah.
David’s dynasty is a mixed bag of great and cruel kings, but God’s purpose is not established on either of them.
They are but the path leading to the Son of David to come, the ultimate Messiah who will establish the ultimate kingdom (not just in Israel but in the whole world).

Jesus is the lamp that shines forever; He is the fulfillment of God’s promise!
The chronicles of the kings of Judah are intended to show us the faithfulness and purpose of God despite their successes and failures.
God allows them enough freedom to choose whom they will serve, but not enough to thwart His purpose.
He gives them room enough to make choices, but also allows them to experience the consequences of their choices.
God is not a tyrant, God is not a cruel dictator; He opposes tyrants and dictators.
But God works through human freedom and authority; He placed humanity in charge of creation and even now works through it when and where He can.
But all the while He is setting the stage for rebuilding His perfect kingdom, revealing His perfect King.

Jesus is the Son of David, but He is greater than David; He is greater than any and every king and ruler.
He is the Ruler we need, the only hope for this world, for a lamp that will shine forever!

Lord, we all dream of a perfect world, but no human or government or philosophy seems to be capable of attaining it. Help us to see that You are the only One that can rebuild God’s world!

One Comment

  1. God keeps His Word, His promises. Man continues to seek his own way and follows his own desires. Just like Cain slew Able so the king slew his family members, but one. Although the king wanted to be king of his castle, God restrained him because God’s purposes are higher than man’s purposes. God’s will be done. God’s promises come true inspite of man’s efforts. Jesus was born of David’s line. We can and must serve the risen King. He is the King of all kings. And it is only through Him I/we have eternal life. That light – the Light of the world – will never go out. God has said so and His promises are true. Just trust and obey.

    Our Father,
    may Your Kingdom come.
    Help me today in the building of that Kingdom. Let Your Light shine on me.

    The whole world was lost
    In the darkness of sin,
    The Light of the world is Jesus!
    Like sunshine at noonday,
    His glory shone in.
    The Light of the world is Jesus!

    Come to the light, ’tis shining for thee;
    Sweetly the light has dawned upon me.
    Once I was blind, but now I can see:
    The Light of the world is Jesus!

    No darkness have we
    Who in Jesus abide;
    The Light of the world is Jesus!
    We walk in the light
    When we follow our Guide!
    The Light of the world is Jesus!

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