Gathering or scattering?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Whoever does not gather with me scatters.” (Luke 11:23)
Jesus is working to rescue captives and to set them free.
Jesus is not driving people apart or away, but gathering them.
Satan’s purpose is to divide and defeat and drive apart.
While Jesus seeks to unite, Satan seeks to scatter.
Jesus sees everyone that scatters as working for Satan.
Everyone that divides people or drives people apart or away.
Consider how much division there is in the church’s history.
So many people are driven out because they do not measure up.
If people do not belong to us, or believe like us, they’re rejected.
Jesus gathered people who lived and believed very differently.
He was rescuing them, not pushing them away.
Jesus is the only way for sinners to be free – we NEED Jesus!
Are we gathering captives to Jesus, or are we driving them away?
Am I working with Jesus to seek and to save the lost?
Lord, show me where I am putting up walls and barriers between people and Jesus. I want to gather people, and not scatter them!


  1. “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” Prayer is not about asking Jesus to come onside with me. Rather I need to be on Jesus side – on the side of the kingdom in all I that I do whether work or play or retirement. May what I do for myself not be just for myself – may what I do have kingdom purpose – even as I travel and enjoy vacation! Help me to spread the good news – let people know that the kingdom is near because a believer, a follower has been in their presence!

  2. We all need Jesus.
    When I look at the disciples, their differences, yet all following the Lord, amazing. Yet today, even Christians tend to divide rather than unite to serve their Lord. Differences occur with traditions, interpetations, insisting on their own ways, yet saying we are all the Lord’s. I so, why all the divisions? Why not be like Jesus? Accepting and showing them the right way by sharing His love. Too many of His ‘houses’ today are divided, not accepting those who are different. Live at peace with all and accept them. We all need Jesus. We all need to be for Jesus.

    1 All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
    All my being’s ransomed pow’rs,
    all my thoughts and words and doings,
    all my days and all my hours.
    2 Let my hands perform his bidding,
    let my feet run in his ways;
    let my eyes see Jesus only,
    let my lips speak forth his praise.
    3 Worldlings prize their gems of beauty,
    cling to gilded toys of dust,
    boast of wealth and fame and pleasure;
    only Jesus will I trust.
    4 Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus,
    I’ve lost sight of all beside;
    so enchained my spirit’s vision,
    looking at the Crucified.
    5 O what wonder! How amazing!
    Jesus, glorious King of kings,
    deigns to call me his beloved,
    lets me rest beneath his wings.

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