What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.” (Psalm 81:10)
The voice of the Lord whispers to the psalmist (81:5)
‘I’ve done so much for you, and I want to do so much more!’
‘I can give you many more reasons to sing for joy!’
He could fill our mouths with reasons for joy, if we were open.
The Lord calls to us, the Lord blesses us, but are we listening?
Our ears are closed, but so are our mouths.
Is one reason we don’t have joy because we don’t express it?
What if we would “shout for joy” more about God’s goodness?
“For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” (Luke 6:45)
Mouths full of praise can actually help fill the empty soul.
Similarly, empty mouths can lead to empty hearts, empty hope.
If only we would listen to this unknown voice…
Maybe our own voices would be filled with more reasons for joy!
What is the focus of my heart; how does it show through my mouth?
Lord, you are encouraging me to tell others about your goodness so that my joy and theirs may increase. Open my mouth and fill it!
God wants to be a loving Father – HE wants what’s best for us. That’s what He wanted for Israel – His chosen people. That’s what He wants for us – followers of Jesus: “But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.” Oh Lord I want to be faithful to you. You already have blessed me with much – may all that I have bless others!
Stop. Look. Listen.
Listen to the voice within you saying, ‘This is the way. Walk in it.’
Look at all what the Lord God has done for you. Look at how He blessed you so that you can be a blessing to others. Listen. Do His will. Have Thine own way Lord for You are the Potter and I the clay. You are my God and I need to extol You. You must come first in my daily walk with You. I need to stay open to Your leading and guiding always. By Your Spirit, help me daily to hear Your voice saying this is the way. Walk in it. Then I can truly say, ‘As for me and my household, we will follow the way of the Lord.’
when we walk with the Lord
In the Light of His Word . . .