What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.” (Judges 21:25)
That Israel had no king is mentioned 4 times (17:6,18:1,19:1,21:25).
In these stories we see Israel falling apart socially and morally.
Though they live in God’s land, they act as if they are in charge.
God still works with them, but they are messed up partners.
In Ruth and 1,2 Samuel we see how God raises up king David.
But not even David, a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22), succeeds.
How do we break Satan’s grip on the world, or the sin in our lives?
We can’t but God can; through Jesus God overcomes Satan and evil.
Jesus is the first human to refuse Satan and sin and do what God says.
Today we do have a good king, but people still do as they see fit.
Despite how we have ‘advanced, we still haven’t advanced here.
Without Jesus, we are doomed to repeat the horrors of history.
We need Jesus as king, we need his grace, we need his help!
May reading Judges drive us to kneel before Jesus as our king!
Lord, humanity is a mess, but you are our Messiah king. Help us to commit to doing as you see fit, to loving and serving and not hating and hurting.
“In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.” But in reality they did -they just didn’t follow him – only when they became desperate and disaster was on them – then they appealed to the Lord . But it didn’t work – they follow a ‘judge’ for a time but they lost their way! Where was the law of Moses? Seems like they still assembled and sought counsel at Bethel – at the tabernacle. Same thing happens to us as believers when we forget that we are followers of Jesus – we too lose our way! HS help keep me on the path – remind me – let evil not reign. So much evil today – death and destruction – killing and bombing! We pray for peace and reconciliation – we need the prince of peace to reign!